Running ELF executables from memory

7 minute read Published:

Executing ELF binary files from memory with memfd_create syscall
Table of Contents

Something that always fascinated me was running code directly from memory. From Process Hollowing (aka RunPE) to PTRACE injection. I had some success playing around with it in C in the past, without using any of the previous mentioned methods, but unfortunately the code is lost somewhere in the forums of VXHeavens (sadly no longer online) but the code was buggy and worked only with Linux 32bit systems (I wish I knew about shm_open back then, which is sort of an alternative for the syscall we are using in this post, mainly targeting older systems where memfd_create is not available).

Overview and code

Recently, I have been trying to code in assembly a bit, I find it very interesting and I believe every developer should understand at least the basics of it. I chose FASM as my assembler because I think it is very simple, powerful and I like its concepts (like same source, same output). More information about its design can be found here. Anyway, I have written a small tool, memrun, that allows you to run ELF files from memory using the memfd_create syscall, which is available in Linux where kernel version is >= 3.17.

What happens with memfd_create is that it acts like malloc syscall but will return a file descriptor that references an anonymous file (which does not exists in the disk) and we can pass it to execve and execute it from memory. There are a couple in-depth articles about it around the internet already so I will not get too deep into it. A nice one by magisterquis can be found at his page

The assembly code might look too big but there are some things we need to take care in this case that we don’t need to when writing in a HLL like Go (as you can see in its example below). Also it’s nice if you want to use the code for an exploit, you can just adjust the assembly instructions to your needs. Both examples are for x86_64 only:

format ELF64 executable 3

include ""
include ""

segment readable executable
entry start

; parsing command line arguments
  pop   rcx                       ; arg count
  cmp   rcx, 3                    ; needs to be at least two for the self program arg0 and target arg1
  jne   usage                     ; exit 1 if not

  add   rsp, 8                    ; skips arg0
  pop   rsi                       ; gets arg1

  mov   rdi, sourcePath
  push  rsi                       ; save rsi
  push  rdi
  call  strToVar

  pop   rsi                       ; restore rsi
  pop   rdi
  mov   rdi, targetProcessName
  pop   rsi                       ; gets arg2
  push  rdi
  call  strToVar
; opening source file for reading
  mov   rdi, sourcePath           ; loads sourcePath to rdi
  xor   rsi, rsi                  ; cleans rsi so open syscall doesnt try to use it as argument
  mov   rdx, O_RDONLY             ; O_RDONLY
  mov   rax, SYS_OPEN             ; open
  syscall                         ; rax contains source fd (3)
  push  rax                       ; saving rax with source fd
; getting source file information to fstat struct
  mov   rdi, rax                  ; load rax (source fd = 3) to rdi
  lea   rsi, [fstat]              ; load fstat struct to rsi
  mov   rax, SYS_FSTAT            ; sys_fstat
  syscall                         ; fstat struct conntains file information
  mov   r12, qword[rsi + 48]      ; r12 contains file size in bytes (fstat.st_size)
; creating memory map for source file
  pop   rax                        ; restore rax containing source fd
  mov   r8, rax                    ; load r8 with source fd from rax
  mov   rax, SYS_MMAP              ; mmap number
  mov   rdi, 0                     ; operating system will choose mapping destination
  mov   rsi, r12                   ; load rsi with page size from fstat.st_size in r12
  mov   rdx, 0x1                   ; new memory region will be marked read only
  mov   r10, 0x2                   ; pages will not be shared
  mov   r9, 0                      ; offset inside test.txt
  syscall                          ; now rax will point to mapped location
  push  rax                        ; saving rax with mmap address
; close source file
  mov   rdi, r8                   ; load rdi with source fd from r8
  mov   rax, SYS_CLOSE            ; close source fd
; creating memory fd with empty name ("")
  lea   rdi, [bogusName]          ; empty string
  mov   rsi, MFD_CLOEXEC          ; memfd mode
  mov   rax, SYS_MEMFD_CREATE
  syscall                         ; memfd_create
  mov   rbx, rax                  ; memfd fd from rax to rbx
; writing memory map (source file) content to memory fd
  pop   rax                       ; restoring rax with mmap address
  mov   rdx, r12                  ; rdx contains fstat.st_size from r12
  mov   rsi, rax                  ; load rsi with mmap address
  mov   rdi, rbx                  ; load memfd fd from rbx into rdi
  mov   rax, SYS_WRITE            ; write buf to memfd fd
; executing memory fd with targetProcessName
  xor   rdx, rdx
  lea   rsi, [argv]
  lea   rdi, [fdPath]
  mov   rax, SYS_EXECVE           ; execve the memfd fd in memory
; exit normally if everything works as expected
  jmp   normal_exit
; initialized data
segment readable writable
fstat             STAT
usageMsg          db "Usage: memrun <path_to_elf_file> <process_name>", 0xA, 0
sourcePath        db 256 dup 0
targetProcessName db 256 dup 0
bogusName         db "", 0
fdPath            db "/proc/self/fd/3", 0
argv              dd targetProcessName
package main

import (

// the constant values below are valid for x86_64
const (
	mfdCloexec  = 0x0001
	memfdCreate = 319

func runFromMemory(displayName string, filePath string) {
	fdName := "" // *string cannot be initialized
	fd, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(memfdCreate, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&fdName)), uintptr(mfdCloexec), 0)

	buffer, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
	_, _ = syscall.Write(int(fd), buffer)

	fdPath := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fd)
	_ = syscall.Exec(fdPath, []string{displayName}, nil)

func main() {
	lenArgs := len(os.Args)
	if lenArgs < 3 || lenArgs > 3 {
		fmt.Println("Usage: memrun process_name elf_binary")

	runFromMemory(os.Args[1], os.Args[2])

The full code for both versions can be found in this repo:

See it in action

Allow me to show it in action. Let’s start by creating a simple target file in C, named target.c. The file will try to open itself for reading and if it can’t, it will print a message forever every 5 seconds. We will execute it from memory:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("My process ID : %d\n", getpid());

  FILE *myself = fopen(argv[0], "r");
  if (myself == NULL) {
        while(1) {
                printf("I can't find myself, I must be running from memory!\n");
  } else {
        printf("I am just a regular boring file being executed from the disk...\n");

  return 0;

Now we build target.c:

$ gcc target.c -o target

We should also build our FASM or Go tool, I will use the assembly one here:

$ fasm memrun.asm
flat assembler  version 1.73.04  (16384 kilobytes memory, x64)
4 passes, 1221 bytes.

Running the file normally gives us this:

$ ./target
My process ID : 4944
I am just a regular boring file being executed from the disk...

But using memrun to run it will be totally different:

$ ./memrun target MASTER_HACKER_PROCESS_NAME_1337
My process ID : 4945
I can't find myself, I must be running from memory!
I can't find myself, I must be running from memory!

Furthermore, if you look for its pid with ps utility, this is what you get:

$ ps -f 4945
guitmz    4945  4842  0 15:31 pts/0    S+     0:00 MASTER_HACKER_PROCESS_NAME_1337

Finally, let’s check the process directory:

$ ls -l /proc/4945/{cwd,exe}
lrwxrwxrwx 1 guitmz guitmz 0 Mar 27 15:38 /proc/4945/cwd -> /home/guitmz/memrun/assembly
lrwxrwxrwx 1 guitmz guitmz 0 Mar 27 15:38 /proc/4945/exe -> /memfd: (deleted)

Note the /memfd: (deleted) part, no actual file in disk for this process :)

For those who know, this can be an interesting technique to run stealthy binaries in Linux, you can go even further by giving it a proper name (like a real Linux process) and detach it from the tty and change its cwd with some simple approches. Tip: fork is your friend :)